2024 Cohort:

Dallas, tx

Verfico creates transparency in multi-tiered labor environments by enabling wage assurance, delivering valuable workforce insights, and enhancing DE&l efforts.

new york, ny

Light RFP is a procurement platform that empowers property managers and commercial real estate developers to quickly identify the best vendors for their projects.

new york, NY

Palazzo is an Al-powered interior design tool that helps homeowners create realistic and high-quality visuals for their designs.

Stockholm, Sweden

Spacemaze is a B2B SaaS transforming office management by optimizing savings, reducing waste, and lowering carbon emissions for workplace teams.

las vegas, nv

Faura uses climate and property risk analytics to help insurance companies and homeowners reduce their natural disaster risk.

calgary, canada

EcoClaim is an end-to-end solution insurers use to measure, verify, and reduce operational emissions throughout their supply chains.

calgary, canada

PinPoint Analytics is the first Al-powered construction data platform that analyzes millions of data points and trends to ensure bid accuracy.

2024 Demo Day

june 18, 2024 in NYC